Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Filling in the back of the head

carved into with filler and latex

Plastazote glued into place with contact adhesive and left to set with masking tape to hold it in place
Looking at the head in profile, there is a fair gap between the top and bottom jaws that continues all the way round the back of the head. This also makes the webbing at the sides of the mouth appear too large. As a crocodile's head would naturally continue along the line of it's body, I have flattened off the back of the head, in line with the human neckline. A piece of fabric will act as concealment of the wearer's neck and help the head to fade into the rest of the costume without a big gap. Rather than using lots of filler, I have bulked out the join between the jaws with left over strips of plastazote. I then used filler to smooth over the foam before carving in the scale relief, matching the detail either side of the join. The new scales were then sanded back, including any protruding bits of plastazote before I painted the whole thing over with latex.

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